Jimmy Guterman's blog

media, technology, management, and the rest of it

Archive for the ‘contest’ Category

The first-ever contest at Jimmy Guterman’s Jewel and Binoculars!

with 3 comments

What better way to start a new week than by winning a free copy of The Sandinista Project? The first person with a correct answer will win a copy of that semilegendary two-CD set. Good luck!

In what Steven Seagal vehicle is the lead character, played by “the world’s only aikido instructor turned movie star/director/writer/blues guitarist/energy drink inventor,” as he is identified in Seagalogy: A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal, writing his autobiography on an Apple Newton?

First correct answer in the comments wins. Please don’t cheat. This isn’t Scrabulous.

Written by guterman

June 16, 2008 at 8:57 am